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Why 50 Million People Can't Afford the Medicine They Need
The average American spends more than $1,200 each year on drugs prescribed by their doctors. Whether you or a loved one has a chronic condition such as diabetes, or has undergone treatment for a major illness such as cancer, you’ve probably been confronted with the astronomically high cost of medicine.
Tips to Beat Allergy Season
After a long winter, the start of spring can feel like a dream. That is, until seasonal allergies set in. If you’re one of the nearly 20 Million Americans who suffer from seasonal allergies, these facts and tips might help.
What’s Causing Your Headaches—and How to Get Rid of Them for Good
A bad headache can ruin a perfectly good day. Headaches are incredibly common, but they’re also quite specific—believe it or not, there are more than 150 kinds. If frequent or severe headaches are making you suffer, this article can help you figure out what’s behind your head pain and how to nip it in the bud.