Meet Our Founders

The Pharmaceutical Industry Veteran

“I saw firsthand just how much healthcare costs can lead to systemic inequities. I want to be a part of a solution”

-Jennifer Simone Hoffman, Co-founder and President


A chemical engineer-turned pharmaceutical executive with over a decade of experience at one of the largest over-the-counter drug manufacturers in the country, Hoffman witnessed the waste that takes place in the industry. Raised in Canada where healthcare is a right, she’s since lived in various economically diverse communities in the U.S. where she became inspired to alleviate the inequities that plague those who need to choose between paying for food and the medications they need. A mother of three, Hoffman lives in New York with her family.


The Entrepreneur

“I find it very uncomfortable that one in four people in the wealthiest country in the world don’t have access to healthcare, particularly as we live through the greatest health crisis of our time.”

-Livio Bisterzo, Chief Operating Officer

An entrepreneur all his life, Livio Bisterzo has launched numerous mission-driven companies across different industries as the founder and CEO of the incubator Green Park Brands. He aspires to disrupt the status quo and put consumers first by being fairer, more equitable and more sustainable. Bisterzo lives in Los Angeles with his wife and three kids.

The Equity Champion
Life-saving medication is too expensive for too many people. We should all be looking for ways to do better.” -Ellen Pompeo, Co-Founder


Best known for playing Dr. Meredith Grey on Grey’s Anatomy, actress, producer, and equity champion Ellen Pompeo has been closely tied to the medical industry for nearly 20 years. Through personal experience and by exploring the sexism, racism, stress, and fatigue medical personnelle face in the workplace, Pompeo became interested in the issues that plague patients who face astronomical medical costs. A longtime advocate for corporate responsibility, she believes in giving people the power to make good choices and change. Pompeo lives in Los Angeles with her husband and three children.

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