Soothing Seasonal Allergies
Over 50 million people in the U.S. experience allergies every year. The 2022 allergy season is right around the corner and unfortunately, the forecast is rough. Not just due to excess pollen but also because of COVID-19 - yes, it's still a thing. The Omicron variant and seasonal allergies share many symptoms. Therefore, it's vital to get your allergies under control so it's easier to know the difference. If you suffer from seasonal allergies, there are a few things you can do to help soothe your symptoms.
What Is Allergy Season?
Allergy season typically runs from late winter to early fall, depending on where you live. Allergens, such as pollen and pet dander, are at their highest levels during these months. The most common causes of seasonal allergies are pollen from:
- Trees
- Grasses
- Flowers
- Weeds
Because these allergens are airborne, they can easily cause problems for people with allergies. What compounds the problem for most people is symptoms come and go, depending on a few factors.
Different Growing Seasons
There are variations in the timing of allergy seasons from year to year and even within the same city. The most common pollen during one season may not be as prevalent during another. This is because of variations in the weather, such as temperature and humidity. Also, some people react to grass, which produces pollen from spring through the fall months. Certain flowers bloom at different times, as well. For example, ragweed, a common weed, releases pollen in late summer and continues into the fall.
How you spend your day can also affect your allergy symptoms. For example, if you are outside more, you're more likely to breathe in allergens that can cause problems. Or, if you are outdoors mid-morning or in the afternoon, you're more likely to react when pollen levels are highest.
Symptoms of Seasonal Allergies
The one saving grace for allergy sufferers is the signs of a pollen attack aren't challenging to detect. Any of the following symptoms can be a sign you have seasonal allergies:
- Itchy, watery eyes
- Runny nose
- Sneezing
- Congestion
- Post-nasal drip
- Fatigue
- Rashes
Seasonal allergies can also lead to asthma attacks. However, one sign you'll never experience is a fever. If you have a fever and any other symptoms, see your doctor right away, as you may have COVID-19.
How To Soothe Seasonal Allergy Symptoms
If you're experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, there are a few things you can do to help ease your discomfort.
Start Taking OTC Allergy Medicine Before it Starts
If you know your allergies are going to flare up, start taking over-the-counter (OTC) allergy medicine 2-3 weeks before they do. This will help the active ingredients build up in your system and lessen the severity of your symptoms from the moment they occur, giving your faster more effective relief. The most common OTC remedies are antihistamines, such as cetirizine and diphenhydramine, which are found in our line of Betr Remedies allergy relief products.
Another popular option is nasal spray. Fluticasone, the active ingredient in our Allergy Relief Nasal Spray is a corticosteroid that helps reduce inflammation in nasal passages. An excellent benefit of the corticosteroid is that you can use it with other allergy medications.
Stay Inside When Pollen Levels Are High
If you know pollen levels are high, try to stay inside as much as possible. Keep your windows and doors closed and use an air conditioner. If you have to go outside, try to do so in the evening or early morning when pollen levels are lower.
Wash Your Hair and Clothes
Pollen can cling to your clothes and hair, so it's essential to wash them regularly. Shower and shampoo your hair after being outside. You may also want to change your clothes if you've been outside for a while.
Stop Pets From Bringing Allergens Inside
If you have pets, keep them out of the bedroom and off of furniture. Pets can bring in allergens on their fur, which can cause problems for people with allergies. Look for wipes for their fur to reduce the number of allergens they bring into the house.
Use a HEPA Filter
If you're using an air conditioner or furnace, make sure it has a HEPA filter. This will help remove allergens from the air. Also, change your filter regularly to optimize its performance. Consider purchasing an air purifier, which will also help remove allergens from the air.
Drink Plenty of Fluids
Drink plenty of fluids, especially water, to help flush out allergens. Dehydration can worsen allergy symptoms. If you need help with rehydration, consider fluids with electrolytes, which are minerals that help regulate the body's water balance.
Get a Flu Shot
The flu can worsen allergy symptoms. It's critical to get a flu shot every year to help reduce your risk of getting the flu. This will help keep your immune system strong and may reduce the severity of symptoms.
Take Probiotics
Probiotics can help reduce the severity of allergy symptoms. They work by boosting your immune system and helping keep your gut healthy. You can find probiotics in food or supplements.
Put The N-95 Mask Back On
If your allergies are severe, you may want to consider wearing an N-95 mask when you're outside. This will help filter out pollen and other allergens. Many people found during the two years they've been wearing a mask that their seasonal allergies are less severe.
See an Allergist
If you're having trouble managing your allergies, see an allergist. They can help you create a treatment plan that works best for you. You may need a different approach to managing your allergies.
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