giveback, mission

Giving Tuesday: 5 Ways to Give Back

It's Giving Tuesday - the day that rolls around every November 30th and reminds us to take a break from the shopping frenzy and turn our attention to those in need this holiday season. As colder weather approaches, many organizations are in desperate need of supplies and members of your own community may find themselves alone for the festivities. That's why we have compiled our top 5 ways for you to give back this Tuesday to help make a difference and spread a little more holiday joy. 

1. Donate To Local Shelters

During the colder months, homeless shelters across the country often to reach maximum capacity and find themselves desperate for donations. Most shelters accept any unused personal care items or gently used apparel in good condition, but the top items these shelters are in most need of are:

  • Socks/underwear
  • Toiletries - toothpaste, shampoo, soap, hairbrushes, toothbrushes
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Laundry detergent

Additionally, many organizations in particularly cold climates are in need of cold weather clothing, such as coats, thermal underwear, knit hats, and gloves in good condition. 


2. Give To a Food Bank

Give the gift of groceries by locating your local food bank and making a donation. Food banks are always in need of non-perishable items and most are especially in need of the following:

  • Canned Fruit
  • Canned vegetables
  • Canned beans
  • Canned stew
  • Canned fish
  • Peanut butter
  • Pasta
  • Rice


3. Spend Time With Someone

According to a ValuePenguin survey, over one in ten Americans suffer from extreme loneliness during the holidays. This can be especially difficult during the holiday season, as people tend to feel isolated from friends and family, leaving them lonely. One way you can help someone this Giving Tuesday is by visiting your local retirement homes or elderly residents in your neighborhood to spread some cheer.


4. Gift a Child In Need

Another way to give back is by gifting a child in need. According to The Children's Defense Fund, 1 in 7 American children lives in poverty, meaning that they will not receive any gifts during the holidays. To find a child to gift, ask your local religious organizations, charities,  or homeless shelters for a list of children. These organizations will typically provide you with a name, age, and possibly even a wishlist for a specific child which often includes items such as:

  • Books

  • Toys

  • Clothing

  • Technology

Consider making a gift basket that includes several items wrapped with a beautiful bow to make them feel extra special.


5. Buy From Brands That Giveback

Our last suggestion for Giving Tuesdays and any day of the week is to buy from brands that donate. Brands are more aware than ever before of the importance of giving back, and they want to make a positive difference in the world. When you support these brands, they can continue making the world a better place.

Here at Betr Remedies, we donate a life-saving medication for every single product you purchase, but we are not alone when it comes to brands that giveback! As you shop to stock up your home for the holidays, consider switching to food, clothing, and wellness brands that also do good. 

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